What is a Buyout in San Francisco?

A Buyout or “cash for keys” is a procedure by which a Landlord pays a tenant to voluntarily vacate a rental unit. In San Francisco, the law has changed drastically regarding this process.

Most San Francisco residential rental units are covered by eviction control – this means that a Landlord can only evict a tenant for what is known as a “Just Cause.” These “Just Causes” include fault evictions like non-payment of rent, but there are also a limited number of no-fault evictions such as Owner Move-In and Ellis Act evictions. Sometimes a Landlord wants or, more often, needs to recover a rental unit but either may not have a Just Cause or simply does not want to engage in an eviction. In these instances, a buyout is a great solution. However, it must be approached carefully, as the law has added traps to the uneducated that carry stiff penalties.

The first trap that San Francisco has added occurs before negotiations even begin. Before a Landlord can begin to discuss a Buyout with a tenant of an eviction-controlled rental unit, they first must provide the tenant a written disclosure and then file a declaration with the San Francisco Rent Board. Dangerously to the Landlord, this legal requirement applies even if the tenant initiates the Buyout conversation. Thus, if a tenant approaches a Landlord and starts to ask about being paid to vacate an eviction-controlled unit, a great response from the Landlord is “Let me take care of a few things and get right back to you on this.” In this way a Landlord has not shut down the conversation, but has also not engaged in the discussion prematurely.

Once the disclosure has been provided and the declaration filed with the San Francisco Rent Board, a Landlord can now engage in discussions with their tenant. If they are able to agree upon a price and a vacate date, the law requires that the agreement then be memorialized in writing that includes specific language and questions. The agreement must also be filed with the Rent Board, but not too early and no too late; otherwise, it is another violation of local law. Because San Francisco law creates many opportunities for a Landlord to unintentionally violate the law, obtaining expert legal assistance is the wisest course of action.

We can help with a Buyout in many ways and all the way through the process. First, we take care of the preliminary requirements so that negotiations can proceed lawfully. Second, we can perform the actual negotiations using our experience and expertise to not only get a “yes” from the tenant but to also get the best possible price for the Landlord. Third, we will draft a legally compliant Buyout Agreement and make sure all requirements are complied with. Fourth, we stay available for questions as the vacate date approaches. At the end of the process, a Landlord will have their unit back and will have avoided the eviction process. Truly a winning result. 

By Andres Sanchez 

Partner, McLaughlin Sanchez LLP 

McLaughlin Sanchez is a property owner/Landlord law firm in San Francisco. We are dedicated to representing property owners and Landlords in protecting their interests and recovering their rental units. We specialize in residential and commercial property and provide service throughout the Bar Area. Call us for a no-cost no-obligation telephone consult.
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